Bipolar disorder: Early warning signs and prevention measures.

bipolar disorder

We all have experienced mood swings, but some people are prone to experiencing such fluctuations more than usual- the frequency of these changes is rapid and the mood states can cause confusion. In simple words, this condition is known as bipolar disorder.

These shifts can cause a change in activity levels, energy states, and severe changes in thought and perception. These shifts are called episodes and can debilitatingly impact a person’s ability to function in daily life.

These episodes are divided into 3 categories of manifestation, which are described below-

  • Manic episode- person feels a highly elated mood, with soaring energy levels and waves of positivity
  • Hypomanic episode- a less severe version of manic episodes- the energy levels remain high and the person feels active
  • Depressive episodes- A contrasting effect, these episodes create a feeling of low energy, sadness and hopelessness.

The major point to note here is that even non-bipolar people can juggle between manic and hypomanic episodes. But people with bipolar disorder will go through all these episodes regularly.

Predominant factors for development

Understanding the cause of a disorder can help in developing an effective treatment plan. Bipolar disorder has its own set of predominant factors that are responsible for triggering its onset. Let’s briefly take a look at them-

  • Genetic precursors- An inherited condition, genetic factors account to a whopping 80% of the diagnosed cases. If one parent is bipolar, the chances are around 10% for a child, whereas if both parents have the condition, the chances increase multifolds by 40%. Yet, more research is needed to identify the true effect of genetics on the development of bipolar.
  • Environmental concerns- Stressful life events can be major triggers for the episodes. Similarly, seasonal factors also come into play. The pineal gland is affected in spring season due to an increase in daylight hours, triggering depression and mania symptoms.
  • Physical factors- Physical issues may themselves not contribute to the development, but can result in some symptoms that are similar to mania or hypomania. The use of steroids or illicit drugs can have a severe impact on the body’s hormonal system that can trigger such responses.

Early signs and symptoms to recognize

Once bipolar sets in, the person’s thoughts, perceptions and behavior are often beyond their control. The people surrounding them are the first to notice. Keeping this in mind, we’ve compiled some early signs and symptoms for observers to understand and lend a helping hand to their loved ones. If you feel you are also experiencing these symptoms, you can attempt an early warning sign scale bipolar disorder to confirm your suspicions.

Early warning signs for mania and hypomania-

  • Insomnia (not able to sleep)
  • Irritability, high emotional intensity
  • Motivated and energized with ideas, ready to move forward and explore things
  • Lack of concentration on one aspect
  • Rapid thoughts
  • Jumbled speech
  • Intense and rushed financial decisions
  • High intimacy drive, flirtatiousness
  • Binging behavior (eating, shopping more than usual)
  • Working in extremities and taking on unnecessary tasks
  • Arguments and indecisiveness in interpersonal relationships
  • Persuasive and manipulative

Early warning signs for bipolar depression

  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • A feeling of hopelessness and detachment
  • Withdrawal from society
  • Lack of motivation and concentration
  • Change of eating habits
  • Loss of libido
  • Anxiety and worry
  • Procrastinating and running from responsibilities
  • Feeling nostalgic and blaming themselves for every issue
  • Crying for no valid reason
  • Thoughts of suicide

Comorbidity with other disorders is also very common when it comes to bipolar disorder. This condition can coincide with-

  • Substance abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Diabetes
  • Obese lifestyle

Procedure of diagnosis

Bipolar disorder is apparently quite difficult to diagnose. It has its own series of markers that may be interpreted in various manners.

  • Since the onset is usually marked by a depressive episode, the symptoms may be misdiagnosed as depressive disorder.
  • Depressive symptoms are highly dominant in bipolar, which can lead to a confirmed diagnosis of depression.
  • Mixed mood episodes are quite common. This prevents the detection of mania and hypomania in many cases.

Treatment measures for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar is a condition that requires lifelong management and treatment. With this in mind, mental health practitioners build a care regime that suits a clients according to their symptoms and intensity.

  • Counseling strategies-  Regular counseling acts as a proactive method for both counselors and clients to engage in a productive conversation to manage their triggers. During these sessions, they can identify their maladaptive patterns, develop a coping strategy and enhance their skills to adjust and manage these stressors in the long run. This is done through a comprehensive counseling regime that includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Family Therapy, Social Rhythm Therapy (Specially designed for bipolar disorder), Dialectical Behavior therapy, Group Counseling and Support group systems.
  • Medical Integration- Since there is a critical imbalance of neurotransmitters that is noticed throughout the body’s system, there are a variety of medications that can keep the symptoms in control and manage them in the long run. Some of these medications include-

– Mood stabilizers- Lithium, valproic acid

-Antipsychotics- Olanzapine, Risperidone, Lurasidone etc.

– Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications

  • Changes in Lifestyle- Lifestyle changes can play a huge part in controlling the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Engaging in activities like yoga, meditation and mindfulness under supervision can help in elevating symptoms and long-term management of these issues. Holistic management plays an important part in giving a positive direction to long-term management.

Getting help early for Bipolar is important

It is necessary to seek help if you feel you or your loved ones are suffering from bipolar disorder. Bipolar can manifest in a variety of manners, but  early intervention is something that makes a huge difference in its management and even treatment. Since it is a complex condition, diagnosing it by oneself can be a difficult task. In such scenarios, one must visit an experienced professional. Dr. Gorav Gupta, who is one of the best psychiatrists for bipolar disorder, can help you in the management and building a lifestyle that will transform you and your loved one’s lives for the better.

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