Signs of relapse in Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health condition that affects all aspects of a person’s life. Their thoughts, behavior, and cognition are affected to the extent that they cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not.
Even when it is a condition that can be controlled with medication, therapies, and holistic interventions, it might be possible that the symptoms may relapse. It does not mean that the treatment is going haywire, almost 2/3rd of people experience a relapse if they discontinue its management according to the 2018 journal Early Interventions in Psychiatry.
So, it is quite important to recognize the signs of relapse early to build an intervention plan that takes control of the symptoms and sets the right track.

Signs of relapse in Schizophrenia

Common causes behind relapse

As per our experience as caregivers at our facility, we feel that discontinuing the medication is a major problem with schizophrenics. It is not that they undermine its effect, it is because they feel the relief from major symptoms that causes them to backtrack from their routine and relapse ensues.
Complete remission is quite uncommon, although the possibility remains.
It is also noticed that the caregivers feed illegal substances like alcohol and drugs to the clients in order to control their symptoms, which is also a major cause of this relapse. Substances have a negative effect in the long run, which is quite usually observed among many clients after receiving their history.

Warning signs of schizophrenia relapse

These signs spring up without any prior notice, and these are usually the signs you may have first noticed in the client. It is a cyclic pattern that can be addressed by noticing the following symptoms-

  • Insomnia/ disturbed circadian rhythm,
  • Paranoia
  • Confused demeanor
  • Loss of energy
  • Feeling of anxiety, disorientation and anger
  • Withdrawal from near and dear ones
  • Anhedonia (loss of interest in hobbies and things once enjoyed)
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Loss of appetite

It is however suggested that the close family and caregivers should keep a note of recurring symptoms so as to confirm a pattern of relapse. It is a very practical and fail-proof way of consulting with the experts and confirming the relapse diagnosis. Receiving the best care and treatment depends upon these small details reported by the close family members of the client, that act as a key factor in targeting their specific needs.

First steps of intervention in case of relapse

Relapse demands urgent care from the primary caregiver. It is better to consult the designated physician of the client since they know the case and condition of the client from the beginning. If an early recognition is made, even admission in the facility can be prevented. More strategies that can be followed for a safe path include-

  • Avoiding substances at all costs, even if it mandates admission into the facility for high-end vigil and care
  • Providing a balanced diet with improvement in sleep patterns
  • Having a social support system, which includes close family members and friends
  • Adopting an emotional support animal is also a great way to manage stress and engage in positive activities. Psychiatric service dogs for schizophrenia are trained animals that can help the client in managing their symptoms effectively.

What can be an effective action plan?

Making a wellness recovery action plan is necessary for relapse conditions like these. Certain steps can be taken beforehand to ensure a smooth flow of information and resources in case you need medical intervention for symptom control. Some of these things you can do are-

Making a wellness recovery action plan is necessary for relapse conditions like these. Certain steps can be taken beforehand to ensure a smooth flow of information and resources in case you need medical intervention for symptom control. Some of these things you can do are-

  • Keep information of your doctors on speed dial
  • Keep you medical records ready for easy referral by experts
  • Proper information regarding your medication and dosages
  • A log of past relapses or symptoms, if any
  • Practices that have helped in controlling the symptoms in the past
  • Any use of drug/alcohol to control symptoms in middle of treatment
  • Local helpline numbers for ease of medical access and referral

These pointers will be very effective for people who have experienced very dire symptoms and faced great difficulties in finding the source of their issues. These small steps act as a great help in times of need.
In case you feel that the symptoms are showing, you can take a Schizophrenic relapse symptom monitoring scale, that can be a great tool for application of early intervention and also a source of information for the caregivers to know the intensity of the symptoms.

What to expect in case of recurrence?

When relapses occur, many things can change for the client as well as the caregiver. Until and unless the true cause is determined, it can be futile to provide treatment going forward.
So, before any progress is made, a cause is to be identified. If the case is severe and recurrence rate is high, more than a standard treatment may be required. Some experts may recommend clozapine as a treatment method to control the given symptoms. To know more about the possible treatment plans you can choose, visit a healthcare facility like Tualsi healthcare today.

Consult a schizophrenia expert today.

Relapse can be reversed, when combined with the right information and treatment plan. It is important to remember that these tips may not always be the things that you follow right to the book, but it is definitely important to keep all this information in line in order to keep the patient’s best interest in mind.
We understand that a condition like schizophrenia is already a handful to deal with, but when relapses occur, it is not always a lapse in the treatment. New treatments and methods to control it have emerged. With Dr. Gorav Gupta, who is one of the best psychiatrists for Schizophrenia is Delhi, you get the best guidance and treatment plan that is sure to transform the lives of you and your loved ones for the better.
If you are facing any of the symptoms mentioned above and would like to hop in for a quick consultation, book an appointment today with us and experience the best of mental health care with Dr. Gorav Gupta

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