Disorders can truly cripple the life of an individual, to extents where they can lose out on basic necessities and feel unfulfilled in every aspect of their life. Anxiety, depression and stress are highly occurring issues that have plagued almost every individual at some point in their lives. If left unattended, it can have severe impact on the person and even lead to development of critical disorders that are much severe and unmanageable in nature. With the guidance of the best psychiatrist in Delhi, today we compile this blog to address different concerns in the mental health regime and how expert psychiatrists can transform the lives of an individual with their carefully thought interventions.
Within the mental health community, there is a rising concern about the different taboos that emerge when a person wants to explore treatment for their psychological fitness. There are signs and symptoms that only them and their close ones may notice, but might be downplayed by others surrounding them. In such cases, trusting instinct and taking a strong approach is necessary.
When it comes to exploring treatment options for the different disorders, people are not as much aware about their conditions in the first place. Before diving head-on into the treatment, it is necessary for them to be educated and know what they are dealing with. A person may be struck with comorbid conditions, i.e. two or more issues at the same time and its etiology should be clear to them before they pursue treatment. To tackle this, let’s explore the different mental health conditions that are commonly seen within the population and explore their treatment options.
Common mental health issues to explore
Usually, a fair bit of every mental health disorder category shows up every now and then, but there are some common issues that dominate the space. With social awareness through digital media and national campaigns, the audience is now aware of some common terms like stress, anxiety and depression. Although they have become household terms, people are still void of knowing their right meaning. So today, we explore such terms under the guidance of one of the best psychiatrists in Delhi, Dr. Gorav Gupta.
Anxiety disorders– Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent amongst the Indian population, where a majority of them are not able to recognize the symptoms at the first encounter. It can emerge from a variety of issues that are environmentally or situationally induced. Such people encounter a wide range of psychological and physical symptoms that include restlessness, cold sweats, uncontrolled negative thinking, feelings of being lost and fear of an object/situation. The disorders that emerge include generalized anxiety, phobia, specific anxiety among many others. They may have different etiologies and functions. The first line of treatment usually includes talk therapy and exposure therapy. When there is a significant impact, medications and brain stimulation techniques are also introduced.
Depression– Depression can be defined as a state of continuous low mood with lack of energy and motivation to perform essential tasks despite knowing of their urgency and necessity. Depression can manifest in any person, despite their stature, financial condition or nature of work. Keeping this in focus, according to the recent edition of Journal of Family medicine and primary care the recent level of depression at primary care level in India is about 23%. This describes a significant population who are struggling on a daily basis. Treatment options for depression are not limited to therapy and medication, but can also include holistic activities and social integration for the best results. According to a psychiatrist in Delhi for depression, only a few percent of people require brain stimulation intervention to tackle depression.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder– OCD can be described as a condition where a person experiences obsessions with a particular thought and feels an urge (compulsion) to fulfill that thought through a behavior. The diagnosis for this condition is quite noticeable, when a certain activity takes up the person’s time to a considerable extent and is of no productive functioning. Experts use different tools and behavioral observations to rule out any comorbid conditions. The treatment for OCD includes Exposure therapy which takes a certain amount of sessions to address the triggers. Along with this, the client also pursues certain medications and talk therapies to identify their goals and adjust their maladaptive behavior.
Substance Abuse Disorder- Substance abuse can be defined as an uncontrolled consumption of substances that are addictive in nature and are harmful to the body. These substances include alcohol, tobacco, drugs like marijuana, cocaine, MDMA, methamphetamines etc. To deal with these issues, the intervention from expert psychiatrists is a necessity. Without it, managing and treating this condition is very difficult. A continuous medication management and monitoring allows for containing and controlling the maladaptive behavior. Treatment options often include inpatient stay with personalized plans for management. Along with these, group, family and holistic therapies are also administered.
Neurological disorders- These disorders include issues like dementia, alzehimer’s and parkinsons. For such conditions, long term management is the only option since till the time symptoms show up, the window for treatment is quite narrow. In case your loved one is diagnosed with one of the above mentioned disorders, it is best to approach a psychiatrist who can provide the option for long term management with residential facilities.
Looking for the top psychiatrist in Delhi? You’re at the right place.
Exploring options for your mental health is a great thing by all means. But the trust stays on the one who holds experience and facilities beyond comparison. With Dr. Gorav Gupta, you get to explore the best of therapies, consultation and personalized experience that are set to march you beyond the borders of transformation and build something better out of you. Under our roof, you are in a protected, supportive and non-judgemental space. With a dedicated team and people who stand for your wellbeing 24/7, you are set to explore your inner strengths with us. To know more on how to explore that best version of yourself, connect and visit our facility today.