Tips to Quit Smoking

Tips to quit smoking by the Psychiatrist in Gurgaon

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’ – The common health warning available on every cigarette packet for decades. Still the rising habit of cigarette smoking from teens to older people irrespective of gender is a major concern among all households. In the past, it was observed that boys start smoking cigarette from their school days but in recent past the growing trend of girls too smoking cigarette has been observed. In spite of being well aware of the ill-effects of smoking which ranges from chronic bronchitis, heart disease, lung diseases, diabetes, to cancer, youths and adults indulge in the habit of smoking.

Role of Rehabilitation Center To Counteract

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’ – The common health warning available on every cigarette packet for decades. Still the rising habit of cigarette smoking from teens to older people irrespective of gender is a major concern among all households. In the past, it was observed that boys start smoking cigarette from their school days but in recent past the growing trend of girls too smoking cigarette has been observed. In spite of being well aware of the ill-effects of smoking which ranges from chronic bronchitis, heart disease, lung diseases, diabetes, to cancer, youths and adults indulge in the habit of smoking.

For some, smoking is a style statement, while for others the nicotine contained in cigarettes or other tobacco products creates an immediate sense of relaxation while for some it helps reducing stress and concentrate in work more efficiently. Whatever might be the reason, its effect on human being is tremendous and can even lead to death. And quitting smoking can be really tough – whether you’re an occasional teen smoker or a lifetime pack-a-day smoker. Psychiatrist in Gurgaon believe that to successfully quit smoking, you’ll need to address both the addiction and the habits and routines that go along with it. Thus smoking addiction treatment can range from changes in lifestyle to trying alternative therapies which may include smoking deterrents, e-cigarettes, acupuncture, magnet therapy and even yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.

Though several medications, alternative therapies, and behavioural support exist to quit smoking, but as already told in the introductory section, quitting smoking is not an easy task. An individual has to have a lot of patience and persistence because only after repeated attempts for months and at times for years can bring positive result.

Top tips to quit smoking as prescribed by psychiatrist in Gurgaon are listed below:

  1. Find an Appropriate Reason: The foremost thing that psychiatrist in Gurgaon advice is to figure out a powerful, personal reason to quit smoking. This may include not only protecting yourself from the ill-effects of smoking viz. heart disease, lung cancer but also protecting your family from secondhand smoke along with looking and feeling younger.
  2. Lean on your loved ones: The preliminary step of smoking addiction treatment is to tell your family, friends, or near ones that you are trying to quit smoking. They may encourage you to keep trying and resist you when you are tempted to try for a puff.
  3. Give yourself a break: Since the nicotine contained in cigarettes or other tobacco products creates an immediate sense of relaxation, thus on quitting smoking an individual needs new ways to unwind himself/ herself. This may include listening to your favourite music, nurture your long lost hobbies, connect with friends, try new cuisines at the new launched restaurant next door, etc.
  4. Avoid Alcohol and other triggers: Psychiatrists in Gurgaon believe that when an individual consumes alcohol it is really tough to stick to the no-smoking goal. So try limiting your alcohol consumption. Similarly, if someone often smoke when they drink coffee, it is often suggested to switch to tea for a few weeks. Likewise, if you usually smoke after meals, find something else to do instead, like taking a walk, or chewing gum.
  5. Keep your House and Workplace clean: Once you have make up your mind to quit smoking, toss all of your ashtrays and lighters. Wash your clothes, carpets, draperies thoroughly to get rid of that smell of cigarette. Spray air fresheners in places that may have remnants of smell of smoke.
  6. Eat fruits and veggies: Psychiatrist going for smoking addiction treatment often advise their patients not to stick to any type of diet plan as once they quit smoking as much hardship can blow back and entice the patient to begin smoking once more. Instead psychiatrists in Gurgaon advice their patients to eat lot of fresh leafy vegetables, fruits and lean protein which is good for health.
  7. Get Moving: As part of smoking addiction treatment, psychiatrist advice their patients to remain active which in turn will curb the nicotine cravings and ease some withdrawal symptoms. When you are in the mood for a puff, go for mild exercises, or brisk walking. This will not only help you distract yourself from smoking but will also help you reduce some weight.
  8. Seek Behavioural Support: Since smoking brings with it emotional and physical dependence, to quit smoking Psychiatrist in Gurgaon suggest ways to tackle this dependence. Few of such ways are counseling services, support services and self-help materials that can help to get through this time.
  9. Go for Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Quitting smoking can always be challenging because the moment you stop smoking nicotine withdrawal results in headaches, reduces your energy, and may affect your mood as well. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can curb such urges. The U.S Food and Drug Administration have approved chewing gum, lozenges, and inhaler (prescription only) as NRTs that can reduce the cravings and withdrawal symptoms experienced during smoking. Before you take these products, consult some healthcare professionals because these can have side effects viz. nausea, dizziness, or irregular heartbeat.
  10. Consider non-nicotine medications: Most psychiatrist offering smoking addiction treatment prescribe two non-nicotine-containing drugs namely bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix) to quit smoking. Both these drugs act on the chemicals in the brain and interfere with the nicotine receptors in the brain, resulting in reducing the pleasure and cravings of tobacco use. Like NRTs, before consuming non-nicotine drugs one must consult some healthcare professionals as consumption of such drugs may lead to depressed mood, suicidal thoughts, and depression.

Like other forms of addiction, quitting smoking is even more tough and challenging. It has been observed that major changes in lifestyle and even medications for years cannot even give fruitful results if the patient goes for just a single puff. Thus, persistence and patience are the key to getting better results and be in close contact with your loved ones. That hug, a kiss on the cheek, even that gentle touch on your back can do wonders.

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